Figure 1.
Body shape expectations of women seeking laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy compared to average clinically expected %EWL 1-year post surgery. A. depicts the silhouettes associated with women’s “dream”, “happy”, “acceptable”, and “disappointed” postoperative body shape expectations. B. depicts the goal, current perceived, and actual self-reported silhouettes of women seeking LSG compared to the range of clinically expected body shapes 1-year post bariatric surgery. Dotted area indicates the range of silhouettes clinically expected 1-year after LSG based on a 56.1%EWL in this sample of women [6]. BMI values assigned according to population normative data [57]. Obesity classes arranged according to Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines [4]. n = 69, less than 10% missing data. Reprinted with permission from Stunkard AJ, Sorenson T, Schulsinger F: Use of the Danish Adoption Register for the study of obesity and thinness. In The Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders. Edited by Kety SS, Rowland LP, Sidman RL, Matthysse SW. New York: Raven Press; 1983: 115–120.