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. 2015 Jul 22;10(7):e0130247. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130247

Table 1. Baseline assessments and implementation strategies by WHO Region.

Country Monitoring Implementation Strategies
Baseline assessment Salt intake (g/person/day) Food reformulation Consumer education Front of Pack Labelling Interventions in public institution settings
World Health Organization African Region
Mauritius (P) [47] SI/SL 7.9 (2012 24h) P P P E/VG (sch/wk/ hosp)
South Africa [27, 48, 49] SI/SL/KAB 8.1 (2005 24h & DS) T (M) NGO Logo (vol) P
World Health Organization Region of the Americas[50, 51]
Argentina [52] SI/SL/KAB 11.2 (2011 24h) T (vol/M) Gov No E/PP/VG (sch/wk)
Barbados [20] SI/SL/KAB 12–15 (2010 unknown) IM Gov/ NGO No E/VG (sch/wk)
Brazil [53] SI/SL/KAB 11.8 (2002–3 & 2008–9 HS) T (vol) Gov No E/PP/VG (sch)
Canada [54] SI/SL/KAB 8.5 (2004 DS) a T (vol) Gov/ NGO Logo (vol) No
Chile [55] SI/SL/KAB 9.8 (2009–10 spot) T (vol) Gov W (man) E (sch)
Colombia (P) [56, 57] SI b # 11.8 (1988 24h) b P P No -
Costa Rica [58] SI/SL/KAB 9.3 (2004–5 HS) IM Gov %DI (vol) PP (sch)
Cuba KAB - IM Gov - PP (sch)
Ecuador [59] SI/SL/KAB 10 (DS) T (vol) - TL (man) -
Mexico No P T (vol) Gov %DI (man) PP (sch)
Paraguay [60] SL/KAB P T (M) Gov No E (sch/wk)
Suriname (P) [61] No P - Gov P -
United States [6264] SI/SL/KAB 8.8 (2009–10 DS) T (vol) Gov/ NGO % DI (vol) E/PP/VG (sch/wk/ hosp)
Uruguay SI/SL/KAB 9.5 (2005–6 HS) T (vol) Gov P No
World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Region
Iran (P) [65] SI b 10.6 (2007 24h) b P Gov No E (sch)
Kuwait SI/SL 8.8 (m) 6.9 (w) (2010 DS) T (Vol) Gov P E/PP (sch/ wk/ hosp)
Morocco SI/SL/KAB Yes TBA (2013–14 24h & DS) IM NGO P No
World Health Organization European Region [26, 29]
Austria [66] SI/SL/KAB 8.7 (m) 7.6 (w) (2012 24h & DS) T (vol) Gov No VG (sch)
Belgium [67] SI/SL/KAB 10.45 (2009 24h) T (vol/M) Gov Logo (vol) No
Bulgaria SI/SL/KAB 13.8 (2004 DS) T (vol/M) Gov %DI (vol) PP (sch)
Croatia [68] SI/SL 12 (2010 DS) T(vol)(bread) Gov/ NGO No VG (sch)
Cyprus SI 5 (2005–8 DS) IM Gov Yes (vol) E (sch)
Czech Republic SI/SL 13.6 (2003–4 DS) T (vol) Gov Logo (vol) -
Denmark SI/SL 9.88 (m) 7.02 (w) (2010 median spot) T (vol) Gov Logo (vol) -
Estonia SI/KAB 10 (1997 DS) P IM Gov %DI (vol) PP (sch/ hosp)
Finland [69, 70] SI/SL/KAB 9 (m) 6.5 (w) (2012 DS) T (vol) Gov/ NGO W (man) Logo (vol) E/PP/VG (sch/ wk/hosp)
France [33] SI/SL/KAB 8.4 (2006–7 DS) T (vol) Gov No PP (sch)
Greece SL/KAB No T (vol/M) Gov No E/PP (sch)
Hungary [71] SI/SL/KAB 11.2 (m) 9.6 (w) (2010 24h) T (vol/M) (bread) Gov Logo (vol) PP (sch)
Iceland SI 9.5 (m) 6.5 (w) (2010–11 DS) IM (bread) Gov - -
Ireland [72] SI/SL/KAB 11.1 (m) 8.5 (w) (2008–10 DS & spot) a T (vol) Gov %DI (vol) E (sch)
Israel SI/SL/KAB 7 (1999–2001 DS) T (vol) Gov P E/PP (sch/ wk/ hosp)
Italy [73] SI/SL/KAB 10.6 (m) 8.2 (w) (2009–11 24h) T (vol) Gov/ NGO No P
Latvia [74] SI/SL/KAB 7.1 (2007 DS) IM Gov %DI (vol) PP (sch/ hosp)
Lithuania [75] SI/SL/KAB 8.75 (2007 DS) T (vol) Gov/ NGO Logo (vol) E/PP (sch)
Luxembourg SI/SL 9.1 (2007–8 DS) IM Gov - E (sch)
Macedonia SI 14 (2011 IE) No P No P
Malta [57] SI b /KAB 9.7 (1988 24h) b P IM Gov No P
Montenegro No P IM - - -
Netherlands SI/SL/KAB 10.7 (m) 7.8 (w) (2010 24h) T (vol)/ T(M) (bread) NGO/ Industry Logo (vol) / %DI (vol) VG (sch/ wk)
Norway SI/SL/KAB 10 (2010–11 DS) IM Gov Logo (vol) P
Poland SI/SL/KAB 10.9 (2009 IE) T (vol) Gov/ NGO Logo (vol)/ GDA (vol) E/VG (sch/ hosp)
Portugal [76] SI/KAB/SL (bread) 10.7 (2012 24h) T (vol/M) (bread) Gov TL (M) E/VG (sch/ wk)
Romania SI 11.25 (2010 DS) IM Gov - PP (sch)
Slovakia SI 9.5 (m) 6.5 (w) (2011 DS) IM NGO No -
Slovenia [77] SI/SL/KAB 11.3 (2012 24h) T (vol) Gov - E/PP (sch/ wk/ hosp)
Spain [78] SI/SL 9.7 (2009 24h) T (vol) Gov No PP (sch)
Sweden SI/SL 10–12 (2011 DS) T (vol) Gov Logo (vol) PP/VG (sch/ wk)
Switzerland [79] SI/SL 9.1 (2011 24h) IM Gov/ NGO No VG (sch/ wk/ hosp)
Turkey [31] SI/SL 15 (2012 24h) T (vol) Gov Logo (P) E/VG (sch/ wk/ hosp)
United Kingdom [8082] SI/SL/KAB 8.1 (2011 24h) T (vol) Gov TL (vol) /%DI (vol) E/PP (sch)
World Health Organization South East Asia Region [83, 84]
Bangladesh SI b /KAB 10–11 (2012 24h) b IM (NGO) NGO No No
Bhutan (short term strategies) No No No Gov No E (sch)
Indonesia (P) SI 15 (2012 unknown) IM Gov/ NGO %DI (vol)/ W (man) P
Myanmar (Burma) (P) SI 6–8 (2012 unknown) No Gov No -
Sri Lanka SI b /SL 8.3; 8.9 (urban; rural 2012 24h) b IM/ P T (M) Gov TL (P) VG (wk/ hosp)
Thailand [85] SI/SL 10.8 (2009 DS) IM Gov %DI (man) E (sch/ hosp)
World Health Organization Western Pacific Region [86]
Australia [87, 88] SI/SL/KAB 8.9 (2011 24h) b T (vol) NGO %DI/Logo (vol) VG (sch/ wk/ hosp)
China [44] SI/SL/KAB 12 (2009 DS) No Gov %DI (vol) -
Confederation of Northern Mariana Islands (P) No No No Gov/ NGO No E/PP/VG (sch)
Cook Islands SI/SL/KAB Yes (2013–14 24h) T (vol) Gov No E/PP (sch/wk)
FSM No No IM Gov No E (sch/ wk/ hosp)
Fiji SI/KAB 9.4 (2012–13 24h) T (vol) Gov P E/VG (sch/ wk/ hosp)
French Polynesia No No P Gov No E (sch/ wk)
Guam (P) No P P Gov P P
Japan [43] SI 10.4 (2012 DS) IM Gov/ NGO No No
Kiribati (P) SL No No Gov No No
Korea [89] SI/SL/KAB 11.6 (2012 DS) T (vol) Gov %DI (vol)/ TL (man) E/PP (sch/wk)
Malaysia SI/SL 6.4 (2003 DS) IM Gov/ NGO P E/PP (sch/ hosp)
Marshall Islands No No No Gov P E/VG (sch)
Mongolia [90] SI/SL/KAB 11 (2011 24h) T (vol) Gov - E/VG (wk)
Nauru No No No Gov No E (sch)
New Caledonia KAB No IM Gov No E (sch/ hosp)
New Zealand [91] SI/SL/KAB 8.57 (2012 24h) T(vol) (NGO) Gov/ NGO %DI/Logo (vol) No
Palau No P No P No P
Samoa (P) SI/SL/KAB 6.9 (2013 24h) P Gov P P
Singapore [83, 92] SI/SL/KAB 8.3 (2010 24h) IM Gov/ NGO Logo (vol) E/VG (sch)
Solomon Islands No No P Gov No P
Tonga No No P Gov No E (sch)
Tuvalu SL P No Gov No E (sch)
Vanuatu (P) SL No P P No E (sch)
Vietnam SI b /SL/KAB 15.3 (2012 spot) b P Gov No E (sch)

P–Planned; SI-population salt intakes; SL–salt level in foods; DS–dietary survey; HS–household survey; 24h–24 hour urines; spot—spot urines; IE–indirect estimate of salt intake; KAB—consumer knowledge, attitude or behaviour; m–men; w—women

a includes discretionary salt

b not nationally representative

T—sodium content targets for foods; IM—industry meetings; Vol—voluntary; M–mandatory; NGO—non-governmental organization; Gov–government; %DI—percentage daily intake labelling (or Guideline daily amount in some countries); TL—traffic light labelling; W—high salt warning labels; E—education; PP—food procurement policy with sodium standards; VG—voluntary guidelines for sodium in foods; Sch—school settings; Wk—workplace settings; Hosp—hospital settings.

Dashes (-) indicate not aware of program. Each country’s population salt intake listed is based on the most current nationally representative assessment where available.