Effect of treatment with an apela antagonist (apela-PA) on fluid homeostasis.
A, effect of intravenous injections of increasing doses of apela-PA on urine flow rates. Basal control period (2 h) corresponds to intravenous injection of saline. Experimental period corresponds to intravenous injection of increasing doses of apela-PA (10 and 20 nmol). Urine flow rates were expressed as μl/min per 100 g body weight. Calculations were done with a standard statistical package (SPSS for Windows, version 21). Statistical significance was defined as p value <0.05 (*) and p value <0.01 (**). At least five animals for each group were used. B, effect of intraperitoneal injections of increasing doses of apela-PA on water intake. Either saline or different doses of apela-PA was administered into rats using intraperitoneal injection. At 24 h post-intraperitoneal injection, water intake was measured by weighing water inside the cage. Water intake was expressed as μl/h per 100g body weight. Calculations were done with a standard statistical package (SPSS for Windows, version 21). Statistical significance was defined as p value <0.05 (*) and p value <0.01 (**). At least five animals for each group were used.