GABAA-R subunit expression in the LC region. A, single-cell PCR showed that δ subunit, the essential subunit for extrasynaptic GABAA-Rs, was found in most LC neurons with negative GFAP and positive GAPDH expression in both groups of mice. B, RT-PCR showed expression of δ and α5 subunits. C, qPCR analysis with 2−ΔCt indicated high relative quantity (RQ) of α6, β1, β2, and δ subunits in WT mice. D, in comparison with WT levels in the 2−ΔΔCt measure, the δ subunit level was significantly increased, and α5 subunit level was reduced in Mecp2-null mice. Transcript level of the α6 subunit was also significantly higher in Mecp2-null mice. Note that the seeming increase in β3 expression was insignificant as the expression ratio was based on barely detectable WT β3 in C (means ± SE; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001). E and F, Western analysis showed a significant increase of δ subunit protein expression in Mecp2-null mice.