THIP does not affect delayed excitation (DE) in both WT and Mecp2-null neurons.
A, DE was measured as the time delay between the starting point of the depolarization pulse and initiation of the first action potential after a prior hyperpolarization. B, DE was described as the function of the conditioning hyperpolarization, which was fit with a Boltzmann equation as D = Dmax /{1 + exp[(V − V½) / k]}, where Dmax is the maximum DE period, V is the hyperpolarizing membrane potential, V½ is the half-inactivation, and k is the Boltzmann constant or slop factor. C—E, neither WT nor Mecp2-null neurons showed a significant difference on V½, slop factor, or DE period before and after THIP treatment (n = 8 and 7; p > 0.05 and p > 0.05, respectively; Student's t test).