SFK inhibitors abrogate the phosphorylation of Tyr-416-Src without affecting the phosphorylation pathways associated with sperm capacitation. Mouse sperm were incubated in the absence or presence of increasing concentrations of SU6656 (A) or SKI606 (B) for 60 min in capacitating (Cap, with HCO3−) or non-capacitating medium (NC, without HCO3−). Western blot analyses were performed with anti-Tyr(P)-416-Src antibodies (clone D49G4). Membranes were then stripped and reprobed sequentially with anti-Tyr(P) (clone 4G10), anti-pPKAs (clone 100G7E), and anti-tubulin antibodies. All Western blot analyses are representative of experiments repeated at least three times. α-tub, α-tubulin.