Fig. 6.
Protein levels in CIPm and CMT-U27 inhibited with BEZ235, Everolimus and Src-I1. Cells were cultured for 40 h with the inhibitors, 50nM BEZ235, 100nM Everolimus and 20 μM Src-l1. Total protein was isolated with RIPA buffer and 20 μg protein was used for Western Blot analyses. Blots were probed with total antibodies for β-Catenin, HER2, HER3 and β-Actin (a). The HER3 blot was done in triplicate and normalized against β-Actin. Results, expressed as % of control are the mean (±STDEV) *P < 0,05 versus DMSO control (b). Densities were measured, corrected for the background and related to β-Actin expression as loading control, expressed in % (c)