Table 1.
The acetylation sites in aconitase mapped by mass spectrometric analysis.
Acetylation site | Peptide sequence | Peptide molecular ion m/z, charge |
1 | K31 | AK[a]VAM*SHFEPSEYIR | 608.3, +2 |
2 | K50 | YDLLEK[a]NINIVR | 766.4, +2 |
3 | K86 | GK[a]TYLR | 390.2, +2 |
4 | K138 | VAVPSTIHC*DHLIEAQVGGEK[a]DLR | 672.3, +4 |
5 | K144 | AK[a] DINQEVYNFLATAGAK | 998.0, +2 |
6 | K233 | VIGVK[a]LTGSLSGWTSPK | 886.5, +2 |
7 | K309 | YLSK[a]TGR | 433.7, +2 |
8 | K401 | SAAVAK[a]QALAHGLK | 469.6, +3 |
9 | K411 | C*K[a]SQFTITPGSEQIR | 897.4, +2 |
10 | K517 | FNPETDFLTGK[a]DGK | 805.9, +2 |
11 | K523 | FK[a] LEAPDADELPR | 771.9, +2 |
12 | K549 | SDFDPGQDTYQHPPK[a]DSSGQR | 802.0, +3 |
13 | K591 | GK[a]C*TTDHISAAGPWLK | 595.3, +3 |
14 | K628 | GHLDNISNNLLIGAINIENGK[a]ANSVR | 930.2, +3 |
15 | K689 | AIITK[a]SFAR | 524.8, +2 |
16 | K700 | IHETNLK[a]K | 512.8, +2 |
17 | K701 | K[a]QGLLPLTFADPSDYNK | 975.0, +2 |
18 | K723 | IHPVDK[a] LTIQGLK | 502.0, +2 |
19 | K730 | LTIQGLK[a]DFAPGKPLK | 590.0, +2 |
20 | K736 | DFAPGK[a]PLK | 507.8, +2 |
21 | K739 | DFAPGKPLK[a]C*VIK | 505.6, +3 |
unmodified | VDVSPTSQR | 494.8, +2 | |
unmodified | VAGILTVK | 400.8, +2 | |
unmodified | NTIVTSYNR | 534.3, +2 | |
unmodified | SQFTITPGSEQIR | 732.4, +2 |
Isolated mitochondria treated with up to 200μM acetic anhydride were reduced, alkylated, and digested with trypsin. The digests were analyzed using combinations of unbiased data dependent methods with database searches designed to find acetylated peptides and targeted analysis based on previously identified acetylation sites. For each site, the resulting collision induced dissociation (CID) spectra were interpreted manually to verify correct assignment of the peptide and acetylation position. The acetylated peptides were incorporated into the quantitative selected reaction monitoring methods use to quantify acetylation in subsequent experiments, with the additional unmodified peptide used for normalization. K[a] designates an acetylated lysine residue.
M designates an oxidized methionine residue.
C designates a carboxyamidomethylated cysteine residue