Figure 1.
A) Detection of L1-GFP protein in the recombinant Leishmania by western blotting. Western blot analysis using an anti-L1 antibody showed high levels of expression of the full-length L1-GFP protein (∼82 kDa, line 1) in contrast with L.tar-GFP (line 2) and wild type L.tar (line 3). These data were obtained using anti-GFP antibody, while GFP was detected at 27 kDa for L.tar-GFP as a positive control; (B) Identification of HPV16 L1 expressed in Pichia-L1 by protein gel blotting. line 1: yeast vector sample without L1-specific band; line 2: Before induction of Pichia-L1; line 3: After induction of Pichia-L1 (∼72 h); (C) Killed promastigotes of L. tarentolae in stationary phase (day 7): Line 1: autoclaved; Line 2: heat-killed in 60°C; Line 3: suspension in formalin and Line 4: freeze-thawed parasites. MW: Protein molecular weight marker.