16S rRNA PCR of blood L-form cultures (L) grown during the second phase/week of cultivation in semisolid agar. Legend: 1, DNA ladder 100 bp; 2,Water; 3, L1; 4, L6; 5, L14 6, L47; 7, L58; 8, L60; 9, L62; 10, L64; 11, L65; 12, L70; 13, L96; 14, L16; 15, L19; 16, L20; 17, L23; 18, L25; 19, L26; 20, L34; 21, L37; 22, L41; 23, L52; 24, L53; 25, L91; 26, L93; 27, M. tuberculosis H37Rv 10ˆ-5; 28, M. tuberculosis H37Rv 10ˆ-3; 29, DNA ladder 100 bp.