The following number of animals was treated with BDF: 0.4 mg/kg n=19; 1.0 mg/kg n=10.
A – Prothrombin time (PT) was measured daily after a single BDF administration via oral gavage. Changes in PT are depicted as surrogate INR (sINR) as compared to control non-treated rats.
B – Treatment with BDF resulted in hematuria as detected by DiaScreen reagent strip (dipstick). Urinalysis was performed daily after BDF treatment.
C – Light microscopy of the urine sediment (left) and a kidney section (right). Urinalysis showed red blood cells (arrowhead) and acanthocytes (arrow) in the urine. A representative photograph of the urine from a rat treated with 0.4 mg/kg BDF at day 3 after the treatment. Histologically, there was a single red blood cell cast seen in distal tubule in animals treated with 1.0 mg/kd BDF. Note mild acute tubular injury with vacuolization of tubular epithelial cells (Hematoxylin and Eosin). Magnification 600×.
D – Serum creatinine was measured daily after BDF administration in the tail vein (up to day 3) and in the postmortem blood (days 4 and 5) after BDF treatment.