The following number of animals was treated with 0.4 BDF and NAC: 10 mg/kg/day n=8; 30 mg/kg/day n=7; 100 mg/kg/day n=9; BDF-only rats n=16.
A – rats were pre-treated with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for 24 hours prior to 0.4 mg/kg brodifacoum (BDF) administration in the doses shown. Treatment with NAC was continued at the same doses until the end of the studies. Hemoglobinuria was detected by DiaScreen reagent strip (dipstick).
B – effects of NAC on BDF-induced changes in hematocrit. Rats were pretreated with NAC for 24 hours prior to 0.4 mg/kg BDF administration.
C – effects of NAC on 0.4 mg/kg BDF-associated hematuria. Animals were treated with NAC for the duration of the studies in the doses shown.