Primary neuropil glia exhibit a relatively stereotyped topological pattern around the larval neuropil. Anterior pALG clusters (A–D), intermediate clusters (E–H), and posterior clusters (l–L) are shown in the first larval instar (left two columns) and in the third larval instar (right two columns); (dorsal up, lateral right). The first and the third column represent digital 3D models of the first instar (A, E, I) and third instar (C, G, K) larval brain. The neuropil surface is rendered in gray (annotated with black lettering) surrounded by color coded pALG clusters (annotated with white lettering). Panels of the second column (B, F, J) and fourth column (D, H, L) show frontal confocal z-projections of first instar and third instar brains, respectively. The same pALG clusters modeled in (A, E, I) and (C, G, K), respectively, are visualized by alrm-Gal4 in green; the neuropil is labeled by anti-DN-cadherin (magenta). (A–D) Anterior view reveals the anterior clusters of astrocyte-like glial cells, including the ALm (antennal lobe medial; red), LALa (lateral accessory lobe anterior; purple), SLPI (superior lateral protocerebrum lateral; light purple), and VLPa (ventro-lateral protocerebrum anterior; magenta). (E–H) Anterior dorsal view reveals the intermediate clusters; VLd (vertical lobe dorsal; yellow) and SMPm (superior medial protocerebrum medial; orange). (I–L) Posterior view reveals the posterior clusters; CAm (calyx medial; green), CAv (calyx ventral; cyan), PSI (posterior slope lateral; blue), and IPpm (inferior protocerebrum posterior medial; green blue). (M) Numbers of pALG and pEG at early larval stage (24h ah), mid larval stage (72h ah), and at wandering larva stage (WL) (n≥3 for each timepoint). (N–Q) 3D volume renderings of third instar larval brain neuropils (gray) depicting anterior (N–O) and posterior (P–Q) primary astrocyte-like glial clusters. Corresponding pALG from four representative brain hemispheres were registered to a standard brain and are shown in red, blue, yellow, and green. Note the low degree of spatial variability of pALG between samples. Primary astrocyte-like glia nomenclature can be found in Table 2.
Bar: 25µm