Figure 1.
Histopathological analysis of kidneys, livers, and spleens of mice from control and treatments with the ethanolic extract from Morus alba leaves at 300 and 2000 mg/kg b.w. Kidneys: in control and treatment with 300 mg/kg, the cortical region with the renal glomeruli (∗) and contorted tubules (arrows) without alterations can be seen. In treatment with 2000 mg/kg, a reduction of the subcapsular space and turgid contorted tubules (arrows) is observed. Livers: photomicrography from control treatment shows the centrilobular vein (v) and a preserved organization of the hepatocytes bundles. In the image from treatment with 300 mg/kg, reversible-type cytoplasm vacuolizations (arrows) can be seen while the photomicrograph of an animal that received 2000 mg/kg of extract shows a lymphocyte infiltration around the centrilobular vein (white arrow). Spleens: in control, the well-delimited lymphatic nodes (Nd) can be noticed, while, in images for treatments with 300 and 2000 mg/kg, there is an expansion of lymphatic node (Nd) in the white pulp. All sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin. Kidney and liver images: 400x. Spleen images: 100x.