Table 2.
Clusters showing significant differences in Fractional Anisotropy (FA), Mean Diffusivity (MD), and Radial Diffusivity (RD) between ADHD patients (N =107) and healthy controls (N = 109).
Clusters with significantly lower FA in ADHD patients | |||||
Cluster | White matter tracts overlapping with the clusters (size of overlap in >10 voxels)a | Size (voxels)b |
MNI coordinates (x;y;z) |
Partial eta2c |
p d |
1 | Body and splenium of CC | 453 | −1; −26;23 | .080 | .042 |
2 | Splenium of CC, SCR (R), PCR (R) | 141 | 24; −35;28 | .062 | .046 |
3 | Body of CC, SCR (R) | 140 | 17; −24;33 | .068 | .040 |
4 | Splenium of CC | 56 | 16; −36;29 | .055 | .049 |
5 | PCR (R) | 32 | 18;7;34 | .048 | .049 |
6 | PTR (R), Tapetum (R) | 16 | 30; −51;15 | .037 | .049 |
Clusters with significantly higher MD in ADHD patients | |||||
1 | Body, splenium and genu of CC, EC (L+R), ACR (L+R), PCR (L+R), SCR (L), posterior limb of IC (L+R), retrolenticular part of IC (L+R), anterior limb of IC (L), sagittal stratum (R), cingulum, fornix (cres) / stria terminalis (L), CP (L), PTR (L+R), SFOF (L), fornix (cres) / Stria terminalis (R) | 6763 | 37; −31;5 | .153 | .037 |
2 | SLF (L) | 407 | −49; −38;12 | .126 | .042 |
3 | EC (L) | 40 | −35; −9; −11 | .086 | .047 |
4 | Sagittal stratum (L) | 36 | −42; −13; −15 | .076 | .048 |
5 | Sagittal stratum (L) | 16 | −40; −23; −7 | .059 | .049 |
Clusters with significantly higher RD in ADHD patients | |||||
1 | Body, splenium and genu of CC, ACR (L+R), SCR (L+R), PCR (L+R), PTR (L+R), EC (L), retrolenticular part of IC (L+R), anterior limb of IC (L), posterior limb of IC (L+R), fornix (cres) / stria terminalis (L), sagittal stratum (L), SFOF (L), UF (L), SLF (L+R) | 8411 | 2; −27;23 | .133 | .027 |
2 | Sagittal stratum (R), EC (R), Fornix (cres) / Stria terminalis (R) | 454 | 35; −13; −12 | .099 | .045 |
3 | SLF (L) | 386 | −56; −24;5 | .122 | .044 |
4 | SLF (L) | 119 | −18;28;30 | .049 | .048 |
CC corpus callosum, ACR anterior corona radiata, FA fractional anisotropy, MD mean diffusivity, PCR posterior corona radiata, RD radial anisotropy, SCR superior corona radiata, RPIC retrolenticular part of IC, PTR posterior thalamic radiation (include optic radiation), PLIC posterior limb of IC, SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus, IC internal capsule, EC external capsule, SFOF superior fronto-occipital fasciculus, UF uncinate fasciculus.
White matter tracts as defined with the Johns Hopkins University White Matter Label Atlas.
Cluster size > 10 voxels.
Partial eta squared based on mean FA, MD and RD of the cluster.
P < .05, FWE-corrected, controlling for gender, age and scan acquisition protocol.