Table 4.
SPM production in humans
SPM | Disease/tissues | Formation |
Lipoxins & Aspirin-triggered lipoxins (ATL) | Asthma | Higher urinary ATL levels in aspirin-tolerant asthma than in aspirin-intolerant asthma [164, 195, 196] and regulate NK cell and innate lymphoid cell activation [165, 197] |
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) | LXA4 levels are reduced in AD brain and CSF [96] | |
Colitis | Elevated mucosal LXA4 promotes remission in Individuals with ulcerative colitis [171] | |
Type 2 diabetes | Increased plasma ATL with intake of pioglitazone [198] | |
Rheumatoid arthritis | LXA4 in synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients [168] | |
Localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP) | Less LXA4 in LAP whole blood compared to healthy individuals [166] | |
Peripheral artery disease | Plasma levels of ATL are lower in patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease [199] | |
Adipose tissues | LXA4 identified in human adipocytes from obese patients [200] | |
Milk | Lipoxins and resolvins at very high levels in the first month of lactation [132] | |
Resolvins | Synovial fluid | RvD5 present in synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients [168] |
Blood (healthy volunteers) | Plasma RvD1 and RvD2 identified with oral omega-3 supplementation [158] | |
Adipose tissues | RvD1 and RvD2 identified in human adipocytes from obese patients [200] | |
Human plasma and milk | RvE1 identified in human plasma [157] and milk [132] | |
Multiple sclerosis | RvD1 was detected and upregulated in serum and cerebrospinal fluid in the highly active group [106] | |
Human IgA nephropathy | RvE1 identified in patients supplemented with fish oil n-3 [201] | |
Peripheral blood (plasma and serum), lymphoid organs | RvD1, RvD2 and RvD3, identified in amounts within their bioactive ranges [202] | |
Protectin | Asthma | PD1 in exhaled breath condensates in asthma exacerbation [169]; decreased PD1 in eosinophils from patients with severe asthma compared to healthy individuals [50] |
Embryonic stem cells | PD1 produced in embryonic stem cells [203] | |
Multiple sclerosis | NPD1 was detected in serum and cerebrospinal fluid in the highly active group [106] | |
Peripheral blood (plasma and serum), lymphoid organs | PD1 identified in amounts within their bioactive ranges. AT-PD1 is significantly increased with EFA and ASA intake [202] | |
Maresins | Synovial fluid | MaR1 identified in synovial fluid from arthritis patients [168] |
Peripheral blood (plasma and serum), lymphoid organs | MaR1 identified in amounts within their bioactive ranges [202] |