Morphological defects observed in the hearts of S3MKO and S1KO;S3MKO mice. A. Photographs of the P0 mouse hearts with the indicated genotypes (upper panels) and H&E-stained coronal sections showing the right ventricle and the septum areas (lower panels). The red and green lines indicate the thicknesses of the compact ventricular wall and the noncompacted trabecular layer of S1KO;S3MKO heart, respectively. RV, right ventricle; SP, septum; Scale bars, 0.5 mm (upper panels) and 0.1 mm (lower panels). B. Quantitative analysis of the ratios of trabecular to ventricular wall thicknesses, septum areas and ventricular wall thicknesses of the P0 mouse hearts with the indicated genotypes. Each group has at least 4 independent samples. *, ** and ***, p<0.05, p<0.01 and p<0.001 by Student's t test. C. Other NCC-relevant phenotypes observed in S3MKO and S1KO;S3MKO P0 hearts. Arrows indicate blood clots among the trabeculae; the “#” signs indicate spongy-like areas of the ventricular wall tissue; arrowheads indicate myocardial infarction. Scale bar, 50 μm. D. Some histological defects observed in the septums of S1KO;S3MKO and S3MKO hearts at P0. The septum of S3F and S1KO;S3F hearts is normal. Some S1KO;S3MKO septums contain spongy-like tissue (*) and unsealed holes between the right and left ventricles (arrow). An unsealed hole between the right atrial and left ventricle (arrowhead) was observed in one of the S3MKO hearts. Scale bars, 0.1 mm.