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. 2015 Jul 20;7:193–209. doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S51702

Table 1.

Conventional breast cancer prescreening/screening and emerging imaging modalities

Modality Physics Application Advantages Disadvantages Sensitivity Specificity
Examinations SBE Self-physical examination for detecting breast lesions Prescreening Increases public awareness
Can be used on high-risk populations
Easy technique that can be performed at home
No effect on mortality of breast cancer30
High rates of false positives and overdiagnosis31
CBE Clinical breast examination for detecting breast lesions Prescreening Reduced breast cancer mortality No randomized controlled trails have been conducted of CBE in women not receiving other forms of screening30 57.14%34 97.11%34
Can detect breast cancer missed by mammography (sometimes)
May be effective in reducing mortality in women
Increased false-positive results32
Does not permit one to determine malignancy with assurance33
High rates of false positives and overdiagnosis31
40%–69%32 86%–99%32
Conventional imaging Emerging modalities X-ray mammography (structural imaging) High energy X-rays travel in a straight path and are attenuated by interaction with tissue Screening (gold standard), diagnostic, prognostic High specificity and sensitivity to detecting cancers
Portable device
10% of false-positive cases
Poor contrast compared to CT or MRI
68.6% (in 40–44 year olds)
83.3% (in 80–89 year olds)35
91.4%–94.4% (w/hormone replacement therapy)35
Fast imaging time (approximately <1 minute)
Good resolution (∼mm)
More accuracy in dense breasts when using digital mammography
Uses ionizing radiation
Less sensitive in radiographically dense breasts35
Ultrasound (structural imaging) Acoustic waves (mechanical) are introduced into the body and are reflected back toward a receiver Screening, diagnostic, prognostic High diagnostic utility among women with dense breasts30
Portable device
Fast imaging time (approximately <1 minute)
Nonionizing (safe)
High false-positive rates30
Poor contrast
Poor resolution (∼cm)
Increases from 36% to 95% with Doppler36 Decreases from 86% to 79% with Doppler36
CT (structural) 3D arrays of X-rays travel in a straight path and are attenuated by interaction with tissue Screening, diagnostic, prognostic Good resolution (∼mm)
Poor contrast
Fast imaging time (approximately <1 minute)
Non-portable device
Expensive device
MRI (structural) RF signal is used to align water molecules to a changing magnetic field where the resultant RF signal is collected Screening, diagnostic, prognostic Sensitivity is nearly 100%12,37
Can better detect intraductal spread of cancer12
Specificity values vary12 and are poor37
MRI-guided biopsies are difficult and require compatible equipment12
88.1%38 67.7%38
Good technique for post- chemotherapy imaging12
Excellent resolution (<mm)
Nonionizing radiation
Only the lateral side of the breast is visible12 Not portable
Slow imaging time (approximately over 20 minutes)
Expensive device
Good contrast
PET (nuclear) – functional imaging High-energy radioactive isotopes create two gamma rays that travel in opposite directions toward detectors Screening, diagnostic, prognostic Good contrast
Functional information
Ionizing radiation
Poor resolution (∼cm)
Not portable
Expensive device
Slow imaging time (approximately over 20 minutes)
96%39 77%39
Scintimammography – (functional imaging) Uses nonspecific radionuclides to identify malignant lesions Diagnostic Good contrast
Functional information
Ionizing radiation
Not portable
Slow imaging time
High false positives40,41
Low sensitivity for small cancers (<1–1.5 cm) and ductal carcinoma in situ42
93%43 87%43
Thermography (functional imaging) Identifies vascular and temperature changes Screening, diagnostic Noninvasive
Less imaging time
Promise for dense breasts44
Easily affected by temperature
Large breasts are poorly imaged
High false positives and false negatives26
97%45 14%45
Electrical impedance tomography (functional and structural) Measures local dielectric properties of cancer cells, including electrical conductance and capacitance Diagnostic, but works better for screening46 Noninvasive, non-radiative, and risk free
Works well with dense breasts
Relatively inexpensive4648
Scans in approximately 15 minutes
High false-positive rates49
Poor spatial resolution than CT or MRI
Microwave imaging (functional) Employs microwave or millimeter waves to image dielectric bodies Diagnostic Noninvasive
Poor resolution at higher depth48
Low contrast in fibroglandular tissues
Optical imaging (functional) Employs near-infrared light (650–900 nm) to measure differences in absorption and scattering coefficients across different tissues Screening, diagnostic, prognostic Noninvasive
Relatively inexpensive and portable
Low imaging time (<1 minute) Good contrast (since functional information)
Highly scattered signal limits its depth imaging
Limited spatial resolution when optical fibers are used

Abbreviations: SBE, self-breast examination; CBE, clinical breast examination; CT, computerized tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; RF, radio frequency.