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. 2015 Jul 22;7:409–421. doi: 10.2147/CEOR.S86369

Table S4.


ICD-9-CM diagnosis code Description
Postoperative infections
 998.5x Postoperative infection
 996.6x Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft
Infection due to medical care
 999.3x Other infection: infection due to central venous catheter; infection following other infusion, injection, transfusion, or vaccination
 038.x Septicemia
 785.52 Septic shock
 995.91 Sepsis
 995.92 Severe sepsis
 998.0 Postoperative shock
Other bacterial infections
 040.0 Gas gangrene
 040.8x Other specified bacterial diseases
 041.x Bacterial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site
 790.7 Bacteremia
Skin infections
 682.x Other cellulitis and abscess
 686.x Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Urinary tract infections
 112.2 Candidiasis of other urogenital sites
 590.1 Acute pyelonephritis
 590.3 Pyeloureteritis cystica
 590.8x Other pyelonephritis or pyonephrosis, not specified as acute or chronic
 590.9 Infection of kidney, unspecified
 595.0 Acute cystitis
 595.3 Trigonitis
 599.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specified
 996.64 Infection due to indwelling urinary catheter
 039.1 Pulmonary actinomycotic infections
 112.4 Candidiasis of lung
 117.9 Other and unspecified mycoses
 136.3 Pneumocystosis
 466.19 Acute bronchiolitis due to other infectious organisms
 480.x Viral pneumonia
 481 Pneumococcal pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia)
 482.x Other bacterial pneumonia
 483.x Pneumonia due to other specified organism
 484.x Pneumonia in infectious diseases classified elsewhere
 485 Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified
 486 Pneumonia, organism unspecified
 487.0 With pneumonia
 507.x Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
 513.0 Abscess of lung
 516.8 Other specified alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumonopathies
 997.3x Respiratory complications
Gynecological infections
 614.0 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
 614.2 Salpingitis and oophoritis not specified as acute, subacute, or chronic
 614.3 Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
 614.4 Chronic or unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
 614.5 Acute or unspecified pelvic peritonitis, female
 614.6 Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female (postoperative) (postinfection)
 614.8 Other specified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues
 614.9 Unspecified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues
 615.0 Acute inflammatory diseases of uterus, except cervix
 615.9 Unspecified inflammatory disease of uterus
 670.0x Major puerperal infection
 672.0x Pyrexia of unknown origin during the puerperium
Septic embolism
 673.3x Obstetrical pyemic and septic embolism
 780.6x Fever and other physiologic disturbances of temperature regulation