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. 2015 May-Jun;90(3):377–383. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20153304


Algorithm for treatment of primary Basal Cell Carcinoma


1- Aggressive: infiltrative, sclerosing and metatypical

Indolent: nodular and superficial

The authors suggest to classify the mixed (pleomorphic) subtype as aggressive for treatment purposes, even if the predominant pattern is indolent

2- Low risk: trunk and extremity

Intermediate risk: scalp, neck, forehead and cheek

High risk: centrofacial, nose, temple, periocular region, perioral and ears

3-There is no consensus on the classification of tumor size. The authors suggest to classify large lesions as lesions larger than 1cm in high-risk áreas; lesions larger than 2cm in intermediate-risk áreas; and lesions larger than 4cm in low-risk areas

4-The control of margins can be done by several micrographic techniques or by freezing.

Micrographic surgery can be performed using the Mohs technique, the Munich technique or the Tübingen technique.