Disruption of desZ and ligB in SYK-6. (A) Southern blot analysis of the insertion mutants. Lanes: 1 and 4, total DNA of SYK-6 digested with XhoI; 2 and 5, total DNA of the desZ mutant (DZ) digested with XhoI; 3 and 6, total DNA of the desZ ligB double mutant (DBZ) digested with XhoI; 7 and 10, total DNA of SYK-6 digested with PvuII; 8 and 11, total DNA of the ligB mutant (DB) digested with PvuII; 9 and 12, total DNA of DBZ digested with PvuII. The 1.2-kb SmaI-PvuII fragment carrying desZ (lanes 1 to 3), the 1.3-kb EcoRV fragment carrying kan (lanes 4 to 6), the 1.5-kb XbaI-SmaI fragment carrying ligB (lanes 7 to 9), and the 1.0-kb BspHI fragment carrying bla (lanes 10 to 12) were used as probes. (B) Growth on syringate of SYK-6 (solid diamonds), DB (open triangles), DZ (open squares), and DBZ (open circles). These strains were grown in 10 ml of W medium containing 10 mM syringate. Each value is the average ± standard deviation of three independent experiments.