Stochastic dynamics and large demographic fluctuations in a coexistence game. (A–C) (): According to the deterministic dynamics (solid black lines) the two types X (blue) and Y (red) coexist at their respective equilibrium, and . The three stochastic realizations, however, reveal a different picture: In the first case (A), both types go extinct early on. In the second case (B), type X goes extinct first, which benefits type Y and results in a higher carrying capacity than the density of type Y individuals in the coexistence equilibrium, . In the third case (C), type Y goes extinct first and the new carrying capacity even exceeds the whole population size in the coexistence equilibrium . Pale lines represent the simulated SD (averaged over 500 independent simulations with data points each). (D) The SD scaled by M in the coexistence equilibrium decreases with M, but differently for the two types (parameters , , , and , the same payoff matrix for all panels).