Fig. S2.
Role of gH RGD motif in integrin-mediated dissociation of gL from gH/gL. (A) J cells were simultaneously cotransfected with WT-gH or gHADA, gL, plus αvSTREP-integrin (α), and β6-integrin (β6). Twenty-four hours after transfection, the complexes assembled on αvSTREP-integrin were harvested. It can be seen that the complex pulled down by αvSTREPβ6-integrin and containing gHADA carried less gH and gL than the complex containing WT-gH. (B) The substitution of WT-gH with gHADA prevents gL dissociation mediated by αvβ6-integrin. Donor cells were transfected with gD, gH, gL, and gB (DHLB); gH was WT or gHADA. Target cells were transfected with αvSTREP-integrin (α), β6-integrin (β6), and nectin1 (N) (N+αβ6). Following coculture for 24 h, the complex assembled onto αvSTREPβ6-integrin was harvested (Strep-pulldown). The substitution of WT-gH with gHADA prevented the dissociation of gL (green star). The absence of gL with WT-gH is highlighted with a fuchsia star. Lane Lys shows the immunoreactivity of transfected cell lysate.