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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Mem Lang. 2015 Oct 1;84:224–245. doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2015.06.006

Table 1.

Subadditivity of Episodic Memory as Predicted by the Quantum Model of Fuzzy-Trace Theory in False Memory and Source-Monitoring Experiments

Memory judgment Trace vector
|V〉 |G〉 |N〉 Vector sum
1. Item false memory experiment
Cue = target
O? |vO|2 |gO|2 0 |vO|2 + |gO|2
NS? 0 |gO|2 0 |gO|2
ND? 0 0 |nO|2 |nO|2
Total memory probability |vO|2 +|gO|2 +|gO|2 + |nO|2 > 1

Cue = New-Similar
O? |vns|2 |gns|2 0 |vns|2 + |gns|2
NS? 0 |gns|2 0 |gns|2
ND? 0 0 |nns|2 |nns|2
Total memory probability |vns|2 +|gns|2 +|gns|2 + |nns|2 > 1

Cue = New-dissimilar
O? |vnd|2 |gnd|2 0 |vnd|2 + |gnd|2
NS? 0 |gnd|2 0 |gnd|2
ND? 0 0 |nnd|2 |nnd|2
Total memory probability |vnd|2 +|gnd|2 +|gnd|2 + |nnd|2 > 1

2. Source false memory experiment
Cue = List 1target
List 1? |vL1-1|2 |gL1|2 0 |vL1-1|2 +|gL1|2
List 2? |vL1-2|2 |gL1|2 0 |vL1-2|2 +|gL1|2
New? 0 0 |nL1|2 |nL1|2
Total memory probability |vL1-1|2+|vL1-2|2+|g L1|2 +|g L1|2 + |nL1|2 > 1

Cue = List 2 target
List 1? |vL2-1|2 |gL2|2 0 |vL2-1|2+|gL2|2
List 2? |vL2-2|2 |gL2|2 0 |vL2-2|2+|gL2|2
New? 0 0 |nL2|2 |nL2|2
Total memory probability |vL2-1|2+|vL2-2|2+| gL2|2 +| gL2|2 + |nL2|2 > 1

Note. |V〉, |G〉, and |N〉 are unit-length vectors for verbatim, gist, and nonmatching traces, respectively, which form an orthonormal basis in a three-dimensional space where memory judgments are made in false memory and source-monitoring experiments. In both types of experiments, the vc, gc, and nc parameters are scalars that multiply the |V〉, |G〉, and |N〉 vectors, respectively, giving the magnitudes of these vectors, subject to the constraint that |vc|2 +|gc|2 + |nc|2 = 1 for the item false memory paradigm and |vc-1|2 +|vc-2|2 +|gc|2 + |nc|2 = 1 for the source false memory paradigm.

Psychologically, the vc, gc, and nc parameters correspond to the strength/accessibility of verbatim, gist, and nonmatching traces, respectively, for the test cue c. The subscript c runs over O (old), NS (newsimilar), and ND (new-dissimilar) cues in false memory experiments, and in general, the scalars have different values for the three types of cues. The subscript c runs over L1 (List 1), L2 (List 2), and ND (newdissimilar) cues in source-monitoring experiments designs, and in general, the scalars have different values for the three types of cues.