Demographic characteristics |
AgeAtAdmission |
Age |
Age |
GenderMale |
Male |
Male |
RaceBlack |
Race black |
Race black |
RaceWhite |
Race white |
Race white |
RaceWhiteHispanic |
Race white Hispanic |
Race white Hispanic |
RaceAsianOtherUnknown |
Race Asian/other/unknown |
Race Asian/other/unknown |
EduTowardsHighSchool |
Education: some high school, no diploma |
Education: some high school, no diploma |
PayerMedicaid |
Payer Medicaid |
Payer Medicaid |
Pre-injury health information |
SubstanceUse |
Substance use |
Substance use |
AvgBMIle18p5 |
Body Mass Index (BMI) <18.5 |
Body Mass Index (BMI) <18.5 |
Injury and rehabilitation stay characteristics |
ComposAnxietyYN |
Anxiety |
Anxiety |
ComposDepressionYN |
Depression |
Depression |
PcntAgitationOverStay |
% of rehab stay agitated |
% of rehab stay agitated |
DaysInjuryToRehabAdm |
Days from injury to rehab admission |
Days from injury to rehab admission |
PTAClearedPriorToAdmYN |
PTA cleared prior to rehab admission |
PTA cleared prior to rehab admission |
Max2pBICSIc |
Maximum brain injury component of CSI score |
Maximum brain injury component of CSI score |
Max2pRemainCSIc |
Maximum non-brain injury component of CSI score |
Maximum non-brain injury component of CSI score |
Functional status characteristics |
Admission FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
Admission FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
Admission FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |
Admission FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |
Treatment factors |
Total time
OTTotalMinPWk0i |
OT total min/week |
OT total min/week |
PTTotalMinPWk0i |
PT total min/week |
PT total min/week |
SLPTotalMinPWk0i |
ST total min/week |
ST total min/week |
PSYTotalMinPWk0i |
PSY total min/week |
PSY total min/week |
TRECTotalMinPWk0i |
TREC total min/week |
TREC total min/week |
Level of effort
AverageOTPTSLPLOEOverStay |
Average OT, PT, ST level of effort |
Average OT, PT, ST level of effort |
Occupational therapy
OTActCastingMinPWkCol |
OT casting min/week |
OT casting min/week |
OTActCogImpairmentMinPWkCol |
OT cognitive impairment min/week |
OT cognitive activity, perceptual activity, visual activity |
OTActCommIADLsMinPWkCol |
OT community IADLs min/week |
OT pre-driving activity, community transport, pre-vocational/vocational, community mobility, community reintegration, lesiure performance |
OTActEducationMinPWkCol |
OT education min/week |
OT education, sexuality |
OTActEnvironAdapMinPWkCol |
OT environmental adaption min/week |
OT environmental adaption |
OTActEvaluationMinPWkCol |
OT evaluation min/week |
OT initial evaluation, interview |
OTActHomeIADLsMinPWkCol |
OT home IADLs min/week |
OT functional mobility, home/money/meal management |
OTActPhysImpairmentMinPWkCol |
OT physical impairments min/week |
OT pre-functional activity, upper extremity activity |
OTActWCManagementMinPWkCol |
OT wheelchair management min/week |
OT wheelchair management |
OTAssessTotalMinMinPWkCol |
OT assessment min/week |
OT assessment |
OTBedMobTransfPerCareBasCol |
OT bed/chair/WC transfer, feeding, dressing (basic) min/week |
OT bed mobility, transfers- basic (bed/chair/WC transfer), personal care- basic (feeding, upper/lower-body dressing, grooming) |
OTPersonalCareTransfCol |
OT personal care/transfers (advanced) min/week |
OT personal care- advanced (bathing, toileting), transfers- advanced (toilet transfer, tub/shower transfer, car transfer) |
Physical therapy
PTAdvGaitGaitCommMobStrsCol |
PT advanced locomotion min/week |
PT advanced gait, gait, community mobility, stairs |
PTEquipMngWCMobCastTranMovCol |
PT equip management, transitional movements (basic) min/week |
PT equipment management, wheelchair mobility, casting, transitional movements (developmental sequencing, bed mobility, sitting, transfers) |
PTEvaluationAtPtHomeMinPWkCol |
PT evaluation at patient home min/week |
PT evaluation at patient home |
PTFormalAssessMinPWkCol |
PT formal assessment min/week |
PT formal assessment |
PTPreFunctActTheraExMinPWkCol |
PT pre-functional activity and therapeutic exercise min/week |
PT pre-functional activity and therapeutic exercise |
PTPreGaitStandingMinPWkCol |
PT pre-gait/standing min/week |
PT pre-gait/standing minutes/week |
PTPreparationTimeMinPWkCol |
PT preparation time min/week |
PT preparation time minutes/week |
PTRestingMinPWkCol |
PT resting min/week |
PT resting minutes/week |
Speech therapy
SLPAssessmentsMinPWkCol |
ST assessment min/week |
ST cognition/language/speech assessment, hearing screening, JFK coma recovery scale, O-Log/GOAT, sensory stimulation, swallowing assessment: bed, FEES, and MBS |
SLPAttentionBothMinPWkCol |
ST attention (both) min/week |
ST Auditory/verbal attention, cancellation tasks, left attention/visual scanning |
SLPAuditoryComprAdvMinPWkCol |
ST auditory comprehension (advanced) min/week |
ST conversational level- auditory, following multi-step commands, sentence/paragraph comprehension |
SLPAuditoryExprCol |
ST auditory comprehension/expression (basic) min/week |
ST auditory comprehension- basic (following 1-step commands, word matching, yes/no questions), expression- basic (automatic speech, defining words, describing objects, gesture use, naming, phrase production, sentence production) |
SLPAugmentDevMinPWkCol |
ST augmentation devices min/week |
ST high/low-tech communication devices |
SLPCommAccGamesCol |
ST community access/games min/week |
ST community access (community outings, simple/complex functional tasks, develop daily schedule, return to work/school, route finding), games |
SLPComputerAppMinPWkCol |
ST computer applications min/week |
ST computer applications, specialized software |
SLPEduMinPWkCol |
ST education min/week |
ST education |
SLPExpressionAdvMinPWkCol |
ST expression (advanced) min/week |
ST circumlocution, conversational level- expression, multi- modal communication, multi-sentence production |
SLPLipReadMinPWkCol |
ST lip reading min/week |
ST lip reading |
SLPMotorSpeechBasicMinPWkCol |
ST motor speech (basic) min/week |
ST diaphragmatic breathing, oral/motor exercises, repetition abilities, speech intelligibility, vocal function exercises (phonation) |
SLPPMVSpeakValveCorkMinPWkCol |
ST PMV/speaking valve/cork min/week |
ST PMV/speaking valve/cork |
SLPProbSolvMathMoneyMemoryCol |
ST problem solving, math/money, memory/orientation (advanced) min/week |
ST problem solving/reasoning- advanced/basic (advanced: paper/pencil; basic: environmental, sequencing, verbal reasoning, functional hypotheses), math/money- advanced/basic (advanced: budgeting, counting, functional math/word problems, grade-specific math, time span calculations; basic: basic arithmetic), memory/orientation- advanced/basic (advanced: compensation strategies- internal, delayed recall; basic: compensation strategies- external, immediate recall, O-group, spaced retrieval, verbal orientation review, work/memory) |
SLPReadWriteAdvMinPWkCol |
ST reading/writing (advanced) min/week |
ST analysis, functional reading (menu, med list, etc.), functional writing (cheques, forms, etc.), multi-paragraph, oral reading, paragraphs |
SLPReadWriteBasicMinPWkCol |
ST reading/writing (basic) min/week |
ST copying, phrases, sentences, single words tracing |
SLPSwallowMinPWkCol |
ST swallowing min/week |
ST meal observation/analysis, oral stimulation, P.O. trials, pre- swallowing, swallow strengthening exercises, swallowing strategies |
PSYCogRemMinPWkCol |
PSY cognitive remediation min/week |
PSY cognitive remediation patient, family, and patient & family |
PSYCrtBehavStffCnsltCrisIntCol |
PSY total indirect min/week |
PSY create a behavior plan, staff consultation, crisis intervention |
PSY general TBI education min/week |
PSY general TBI education patient, family, and patient & family |
PSYInfoHxMinPWkCol |
PSY information and history gathering min/week |
PSY information and history gathering patient, family, and patient & family |
PSYNeuroBehavTestPatTBIEduCol |
PSY testing/assessment/behavioral min/week |
PSY neuropsych testing, neurobehavioral assessment, patient- specific TBI education, psychotherapeutic and behavioral |
Therapeutic recreation
TRECActivityArtsBatchMinPWk0i |
TREC art min/week |
TREC self expression, cooking/baking, creative writing, crafts, dance/drama |
TRECActivityCogActBatchMinPWk0i |
TREC cognitive activity min/week |
TREC puzzles, reading, observation, relaxation, computer: email/games, movie/performances, card games, board/table games, wii |
TRECActivityMusicBatchMinPWk0i |
TREC music min/week |
TREC musical instruments, operating cd/mp3, music games |
TRECActivitySportBatchMinPWk0i |
TREC sports min/week |
TREC billiards, basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, disc frisbee, weight room/gym, softball/baseball/football, bowling, active tabletop games, bowling, active tabletop games, biking/hand cycling, golf/putting/croquet, bocce ball |
TRECCommunityReintMinPWk0i |
TREC community reintegration min/week |
TREC community reintegration |
% of rehab stay on narcotic-analgesics |
% of rehab stay on narcotic-analgesics |
% of rehab stay on nonnarcotic-analgesics |
% of rehab stay on nonnarcotic-analgesics |
% of rehab stay on antianxiety agents |
% of rehab stay on antianxiety agents |
% of rehab stay on anticonvulsants |
% of rehab stay on anticonvulsants |
% of rehab stay on antidepressants- new SSRIs |
% of rehab stay on antidepressants- new SSRIs |
% of rehab stay on antidepressants- other |
% of rehab stay on antidepressants- other |
% of rehab stay on antiparkinsonians |
% of rehab stay on antiparkinsonians |
% of rehab stay on antipsychotics- second generation |
% of rehab stay on antipsychotics- second generation |
% of rehab stay on hypnotics |
% of rehab stay on hypnotics |
% of rehab stay on psychotherapeutics |
% of rehab stay on psychotherapeutics |
% of rehab stay on stimulants |
% of rehab stay on stimulants |
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Site 10 |
Outcomes |
CorrectedRehabLOS |
Rehab length of stay excluding interruptions |
Rehab length of stay excluding interruptions |
DCLocationHome |
Discharge destination- home |
Discharge destination- home |
Discharge FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
Discharge FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
Discharge FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |
Discharge FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |
FIMRASCHMotor_9Mon |
9-Month FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
9-Month FIM Motor Rasch-transformed |
9-Month FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |
9-Month FIM Cog Rasch-transformed |