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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Aug;96(8 0):S304–S329. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2014.11.030
Variable Short definition Long definition
Demographic characteristics
 AgeAtAdmission Age Age
 GenderMale Male Male
 RaceBlack Race black Race black
 RaceWhite Race white Race white
 RaceWhiteHispanic Race white Hispanic Race white Hispanic
 RaceAsianOtherUnknown Race Asian/other/unknown Race Asian/other/unknown
 EduTowardsHighSchool Education: some high school, no diploma Education: some high school, no diploma
 PayerMedicaid Payer Medicaid Payer Medicaid
Pre-injury health information
 SubstanceUse Substance use Substance use
 AvgBMIle18p5 Body Mass Index (BMI) <18.5 Body Mass Index (BMI) <18.5
Injury and rehabilitation stay characteristics
 ComposAnxietyYN Anxiety Anxiety
 ComposDepressionYN Depression Depression
 PcntAgitationOverStay % of rehab stay agitated % of rehab stay agitated
 DaysInjuryToRehabAdm Days from injury to rehab admission Days from injury to rehab admission
 PTAClearedPriorToAdmYN PTA cleared prior to rehab admission PTA cleared prior to rehab admission
 Max2pBICSIc Maximum brain injury component of CSI score Maximum brain injury component of CSI score
 Max2pRemainCSIc Maximum non-brain injury component of CSI score Maximum non-brain injury component of CSI score
Functional status characteristics
 AdmFIMRASCHMotor Admission FIM Motor Rasch-transformed Admission FIM Motor Rasch-transformed
 AdmFIMRASCHCog Admission FIM Cog Rasch-transformed Admission FIM Cog Rasch-transformed
Treatment factors
Total time
  OTTotalMinPWk0i OT total min/week OT total min/week
  PTTotalMinPWk0i PT total min/week PT total min/week
  SLPTotalMinPWk0i ST total min/week ST total min/week
  PSYTotalMinPWk0i PSY total min/week PSY total min/week
  TRECTotalMinPWk0i TREC total min/week TREC total min/week
Level of effort
  AverageOTPTSLPLOEOverStay Average OT, PT, ST level of effort Average OT, PT, ST level of effort
Occupational therapy
  OTActCastingMinPWkCol OT casting min/week OT casting min/week
  OTActCogImpairmentMinPWkCol OT cognitive impairment min/week OT cognitive activity, perceptual activity, visual activity
  OTActCommIADLsMinPWkCol OT community IADLs min/week OT pre-driving activity, community transport, pre-vocational/vocational, community mobility, community reintegration, lesiure performance
  OTActEducationMinPWkCol OT education min/week OT education, sexuality
  OTActEnvironAdapMinPWkCol OT environmental adaption min/week OT environmental adaption
  OTActEvaluationMinPWkCol OT evaluation min/week OT initial evaluation, interview
  OTActHomeIADLsMinPWkCol OT home IADLs min/week OT functional mobility, home/money/meal management
  OTActPhysImpairmentMinPWkCol OT physical impairments min/week OT pre-functional activity, upper extremity activity
  OTActWCManagementMinPWkCol OT wheelchair management min/week OT wheelchair management
  OTAssessTotalMinMinPWkCol OT assessment min/week OT assessment
  OTBedMobTransfPerCareBasCol OT bed/chair/WC transfer, feeding, dressing (basic) min/week OT bed mobility, transfers- basic (bed/chair/WC transfer), personal care- basic (feeding, upper/lower-body dressing, grooming)
  OTPersonalCareTransfCol OT personal care/transfers (advanced) min/week OT personal care- advanced (bathing, toileting), transfers- advanced (toilet transfer, tub/shower transfer, car transfer)
Physical therapy
  PTAdvGaitGaitCommMobStrsCol PT advanced locomotion min/week PT advanced gait, gait, community mobility, stairs
  PTEquipMngWCMobCastTranMovCol PT equip management, transitional movements (basic) min/week PT equipment management, wheelchair mobility, casting, transitional movements (developmental sequencing, bed mobility, sitting, transfers)
  PTEvaluationAtPtHomeMinPWkCol PT evaluation at patient home min/week PT evaluation at patient home
  PTFormalAssessMinPWkCol PT formal assessment min/week PT formal assessment
  PTPreFunctActTheraExMinPWkCol PT pre-functional activity and therapeutic exercise min/week PT pre-functional activity and therapeutic exercise
  PTPreGaitStandingMinPWkCol PT pre-gait/standing min/week PT pre-gait/standing minutes/week
  PTPreparationTimeMinPWkCol PT preparation time min/week PT preparation time minutes/week
  PTRestingMinPWkCol PT resting min/week PT resting minutes/week
Speech therapy
  SLPAssessmentsMinPWkCol ST assessment min/week ST cognition/language/speech assessment, hearing screening, JFK coma recovery scale, O-Log/GOAT, sensory stimulation, swallowing assessment: bed, FEES, and MBS
  SLPAttentionBothMinPWkCol ST attention (both) min/week ST Auditory/verbal attention, cancellation tasks, left attention/visual scanning
  SLPAuditoryComprAdvMinPWkCol ST auditory comprehension (advanced) min/week ST conversational level- auditory, following multi-step commands, sentence/paragraph comprehension
  SLPAuditoryExprCol ST auditory comprehension/expression (basic) min/week ST auditory comprehension- basic (following 1-step commands, word matching, yes/no questions), expression- basic (automatic speech, defining words, describing objects, gesture use, naming, phrase production, sentence production)
  SLPAugmentDevMinPWkCol ST augmentation devices min/week ST high/low-tech communication devices
  SLPCommAccGamesCol ST community access/games min/week ST community access (community outings, simple/complex functional tasks, develop daily schedule, return to work/school, route finding), games
  SLPComputerAppMinPWkCol ST computer applications min/week ST computer applications, specialized software
  SLPEduMinPWkCol ST education min/week ST education
  SLPExpressionAdvMinPWkCol ST expression (advanced) min/week ST circumlocution, conversational level- expression, multi- modal communication, multi-sentence production
  SLPLipReadMinPWkCol ST lip reading min/week ST lip reading
  SLPMotorSpeechBasicMinPWkCol ST motor speech (basic) min/week ST diaphragmatic breathing, oral/motor exercises, repetition abilities, speech intelligibility, vocal function exercises (phonation)
  SLPPMVSpeakValveCorkMinPWkCol ST PMV/speaking valve/cork min/week ST PMV/speaking valve/cork
  SLPProbSolvMathMoneyMemoryCol ST problem solving, math/money, memory/orientation (advanced) min/week ST problem solving/reasoning- advanced/basic (advanced: paper/pencil; basic: environmental, sequencing, verbal reasoning, functional hypotheses), math/money- advanced/basic (advanced: budgeting, counting, functional math/word problems, grade-specific math, time span calculations; basic: basic arithmetic), memory/orientation- advanced/basic (advanced: compensation strategies- internal, delayed recall; basic: compensation strategies- external, immediate recall, O-group, spaced retrieval, verbal orientation review, work/memory)
  SLPReadWriteAdvMinPWkCol ST reading/writing (advanced) min/week ST analysis, functional reading (menu, med list, etc.), functional writing (cheques, forms, etc.), multi-paragraph, oral reading, paragraphs
  SLPReadWriteBasicMinPWkCol ST reading/writing (basic) min/week ST copying, phrases, sentences, single words tracing
  SLPSwallowMinPWkCol ST swallowing min/week ST meal observation/analysis, oral stimulation, P.O. trials, pre- swallowing, swallow strengthening exercises, swallowing strategies
  PSYCogRemMinPWkCol PSY cognitive remediation min/week PSY cognitive remediation patient, family, and patient & family
  PSYCrtBehavStffCnsltCrisIntCol PSY total indirect min/week PSY create a behavior plan, staff consultation, crisis intervention
  PSYGenTBIEduMinPWkCol PSY general TBI education min/week PSY general TBI education patient, family, and patient & family
  PSYInfoHxMinPWkCol PSY information and history gathering min/week PSY information and history gathering patient, family, and patient & family
  PSYNeuroBehavTestPatTBIEduCol PSY testing/assessment/behavioral min/week PSY neuropsych testing, neurobehavioral assessment, patient- specific TBI education, psychotherapeutic and behavioral
Therapeutic recreation
  TRECActivityArtsBatchMinPWk0i TREC art min/week TREC self expression, cooking/baking, creative writing, crafts, dance/drama
  TRECActivityCogActBatchMinPWk0i TREC cognitive activity min/week TREC puzzles, reading, observation, relaxation, computer: email/games, movie/performances, card games, board/table games, wii
  TRECActivityMusicBatchMinPWk0i TREC music min/week TREC musical instruments, operating cd/mp3, music games
  TRECActivitySportBatchMinPWk0i TREC sports min/week TREC billiards, basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, disc frisbee, weight room/gym, softball/baseball/football, bowling, active tabletop games, bowling, active tabletop games, biking/hand cycling, golf/putting/croquet, bocce ball
  TRECCommunityReintMinPWk0i TREC community reintegration min/week TREC community reintegration
  PctSANALGESICSNARCOTIC % of rehab stay on narcotic-analgesics % of rehab stay on narcotic-analgesics
  PctSANALGESICSNONNARCOTIC % of rehab stay on nonnarcotic-analgesics % of rehab stay on nonnarcotic-analgesics
  PctSANTIANXIETYAGENTS % of rehab stay on antianxiety agents % of rehab stay on antianxiety agents
  PctSANTICONVULSANT % of rehab stay on anticonvulsants % of rehab stay on anticonvulsants
  PctSANTIDEPRESSANTSSSRInew % of rehab stay on antidepressants- new SSRIs % of rehab stay on antidepressants- new SSRIs
  PctSANTIDEPRESSANTSother % of rehab stay on antidepressants- other % of rehab stay on antidepressants- other
  PctSANTIPARKINSONIAN % of rehab stay on antiparkinsonians % of rehab stay on antiparkinsonians
  PctSANTIPSYCHOTICSSecondgenat % of rehab stay on antipsychotics- second generation % of rehab stay on antipsychotics- second generation
  PctSHYPNOTICS % of rehab stay on hypnotics % of rehab stay on hypnotics
  PctSMISCPSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC % of rehab stay on psychotherapeutics % of rehab stay on psychotherapeutics
  PctSSTIMULANTS % of rehab stay on stimulants % of rehab stay on stimulants
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 CorrectedRehabLOS Rehab length of stay excluding interruptions Rehab length of stay excluding interruptions
 DCLocationHome Discharge destination- home Discharge destination- home
 DCFIMRASCHMotor Discharge FIM Motor Rasch-transformed Discharge FIM Motor Rasch-transformed
 DCFIMRASCHCog Discharge FIM Cog Rasch-transformed Discharge FIM Cog Rasch-transformed
 FIMRASCHMotor_9Mon 9-Month FIM Motor Rasch-transformed 9-Month FIM Motor Rasch-transformed
 FIMRASCHCog_9Mon 9-Month FIM Cog Rasch-transformed 9-Month FIM Cog Rasch-transformed