Figure 3.
(A) T-seeded colony-based DSF bioassay of strains E77 and M30. Arrow indicates DSF production of M30 (rpf-2) strain upon detection of DSF molecules produced by E77 (rpf-1). (B) DSF quantification of supernatants from axenic cultures of E77 and M30, a mixed culture E77:M30 (1:1), an axenic culture of M30 supplemented with synthetic DSF at 0.05 μM final concentration and a corresponding control (equal volume of LB broth containing 0.05 μM DSF), using the microtitter DSF bioassay; *p < 0.05 by One-Way ANOVA and post-test. (C) Colony-based DSF bioassay of E77, M30 and their respective ΔrpfF mutants seeded at different distances on the same agar plate.