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. 2015 Jul 29;15:721. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1922-z

Table 5.

Multivariable analysis of factors associated with delays in Tuberculosis diagnosis in Hohoe

Patient delay Healthcare services delay
Variable AORa 95 % CI P-value AORb 95 % CI P-value
Employment status
Unemployed 1
Employed 2.61 0.73–9.29 0.139
Urban 1
Rural 0.33 0.09–1.29 0.112
Distance to hospital (km)
<5 1
5–8 0.57 0.15–2.16 0.407
>8 5.78 0.86–38.90 0.071
Medical insurance
Present 1
Absent 6.12 1.26–29.88 0.025
No stigma 1 1
Stigma 5.30 1.33–21.18 0.018 0.88 0.26–3.03 0.840
Good 1
poor 5.38 0.89–32.36 0.066
No. of healthcare encounters
1 1
2 or more 10.26 2.95–35.72 <0.0001

aadjusted for employment, residence, distance, medical insurance, stigma, and knowledge

badjusted for stigma and number of healthcare encounters