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. 2009 Nov 17;12(4):253–260. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2009.00218.x

Table II.

 Factors Predicting Compliance With HBPM (N=377)

Variable Category Odds Ratio 95% CI P Value
Sex Male
Female 0.84 0.45–1.55 .577
Age, y 40–49  .012
50–59  1.68 0.84–3.36 .146
>60  5.29 1.77–15.81 .003
Marital status Married 1.07 0.32–3.60 .910
Education High school graduate
College education or higher 0.58 0.32–1.06 .078
Work status No job
With job 0.95 0.52–1.73 .869
Medication Yes 0.98 0.52–1.85 .939
Period of high BP, y <10 
>10  1.22 0.55–2.69 .620
Comorbidity No
Yes 1.36 0.62–3.01 .444
Family history No
Yes 1.48 0.73–2.99 .272
BMI, kg/m2 18.5–22.9  .873
23–27.4  0.83 0.42–1.66 .607
27.5  0.85 0.33–2.20 .736
Depression <90th percentile
≥90th percentile 0.19 0.04–0.88 .033
Knowledge <90th percentile
≥90th percentile 0.58 0.23–1.46 .249
Constant 0.17 .002

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; HBPM, home blood pressure (BP) monitoring. The reference group is the noncompliant group (HBPM <24 of the 48 weeks). The intervention method (education method and counseling intensiveness) was not adjusted for because there was no significant effect on HBPM.