Characterization of androgen-sensitive proteins copurified with the probasin promoter. A, Venn diagram summarizing AD and AS proteins identified in the proteomic screen. B, Natural log AS/AD PSC ratio graph for proteins copurified with the probasin promoter. A total of 635 proteins were defined as androgen sensitive (ln [AS/AD] more than or equal to 0.67 or ln [AS/AD] ≤ −0.67), and 1511 proteins were defined as androgen insensitive (0.67 > ln [AS/AD] > −0.67). C, Correlation coefficient analysis of PSC values between AD and AS samples. D, Western blot analysis of proteins copurified with the probasin promoter under AD and AS conditions and probed with antibodies to AR, SMARCB1, PARP1, ACTN4, TRIM28, NONO, and FLNA. The PSCs quantified in the proteomic screen are labeled below the blots. Silver-stained gel demonstrates equivalent loading across the samples.