Amacrine and ganglion cells express the FTL reporter within the inner retina of rd1-FTL. Retinal sections of rd1-FTL mouse (6 months of age) were labeled with anti-β-galactosidase (A,C,E; red), which identifies FTL reporter expression (see white arrows in A,C). Retinal sections were co-labeled with GABA (B), or glycine (D) showing FTL was co-localized within subpopulations of GABA immunoreactive (B, white arrows) and glycine immunoreactive (D, white arrows) amacrine cells. Retinal wholemounts were double labeled with anti-β-galactosidase and tyrosine hydroxylase (E,F; respectively) and no co-localization was evident. Rd1-FTL wholemount from a 4.5 month-old animal was also labeled using β-galactosidase histochemistry showing ganglion cell axons projecting to the optic nerve express the reporter (G, black arrows). This ganglion cell expression was confirmed in vertical sections of rd1-FTL retina, which were triple labeled for β-galactosidase (red), GABA (green) and NeuN (Blue). There are numerous cells in the GCL that are co-labeled with FTL and NeuN (H, white arrows). Abbreviations: INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer, OD, optic disk. Scale bar for (A–F,H): 50 μm; (G): 250 μm.