Figure 3. Characterization of the MAPbI3 devices with PEDOT:PSS and c-OTPD HTLs.
(a) The PHJ device structure; (b) J–V of the devices with PEDOT:PSS and c-OTPD HTLs, and with different MAPbI3 thickness of 360, 500 and 600 nm; (c) EQE of the devices with c-OTPD HTL and with different MAPbI3 thickness of 360, 500 and 600 nm; (d) efficiency histogram of the 50 devices using c-OTPD as HTL; (e) tdOS, (f) photoluminescence at room temperature and (g) impedance spectroscopy lifetime at different bias for the devices with PEDOT:PSS and c-OTPD HTLs. (h) Work function distribution of the HTLs of PEDOT:PSS, c-OTPD and PTAA.