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. 2015 Jul 29;9:280. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00280

Table 1.

Matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in CNS development.

Brain region Developmental window Peak of MMP-9 expression MMP-9 in experience dependent plasticity Reference
Retinotectal Axons
Visual Cortex
Optic Nerve
Retinotectal map formation:
P0–P21 (first 3 postnatal weeks) r.
Monocular deprivation:
P21–P28 r.;
Postnatal week 3–5 r.;
P19–P32 m.
Optic nerve myelination:
P7–P9 m.
Sup. Colliculus:
P0–P10 protein
P0–P14 activity.
Optic Nerve:
P7-P11 activity.
Monocular enucleation increases MMP-9 enzymatic activity in SC
Monocular deprivation increases MMP-9 mRNA in cortex
Oliveira-Silva et al. (2007)
Fagiolini et al. (1994), Gordon and Stryker (1996), Spolidoro et al. (2012)
Oh et al. (1999), Larsen et al. (2006)
Barrel Cortex Thalamocortical input to Layer 4: P1-P4/5 m., r.
Intracortical connections: Layer 4-2/3: P10-P14 r. Layer 2/3: thru adulthood r.
Whisker trimming in adolescent mice increases MMP-9 enzymatic activity; MMP-9 KO mice show reduced potentiation in L4 and L2/3 following trimming Woolsey and Wann (1976), Kossut et al. (1988), Fox (1992), Maravall (2004), Kaliszewska et al. (2012)
Cerebellum Granule cell proliferation, Climbing fibers refinement:
Postnatal week 1
Granule cell migration; Parallel fiber innervation of Purkinje cells:
Postnatal week 2–3
Purkinje cell arborization:
Postnatal week 4
Granule precursors, Bergmann glia, Purkinje cells: P10 protein
EGL, IGL and Purkinje cell layer: P11-P17 protein
MMP-9 KO mice at P12 exhibit:
Decreased apoptosis of granule precursor cells;
Delay in granule cell migration
r. Altman (1972a,b), r. Vaillant et al. (1999), r. Piccolini et al. (2012), m. Vaillant et al. (2003)
Hippocampus Spontaneous activity and apoptosis: P0–P7 r. m.
Mossy fiber development: first postnatal month r.
Synapse elaboration: first postnatal month r.
Axon tips: P4 r. protein
DG, CA1, CA3: P4 r. mRNA
Postsynaptic densities: P8 r. protein
MMP-9 mediates cell survival through interactions with laminin
MMP-9 KO mice show accelerated synaptic maturation
MMP-9 treatment exaggerates immature spine morphology
Ribak et al. (1985), Steward and Falk (1991), Bilousova et al. (2009), Murase and McKay (2012), Aujla and Huntley (2014), Sidhu et al. (2014)
Auditory Cortex Tonotopic reorganization:
P11–P15 m.
P11–P13 r.
P9–P20 m.
P11–P28 r.
Cochleotomy leads to increased MMP-9 levels in cochlear nucleus 1 day post-op Zhang et al. (2002),
de Villers-Sidani et al. (2007), Illing et al. (2010),
Barkat et al. (2011),
Kim et al. (2013)

r., rats; m., mouse; activity, enzymatic activity measure by zymography.