Chronic Colitis Is Associated with an Increase in Activated Eosinophils
Colitis was induced by transfer of naive CD4+CD45RBhi T cells into C57BL/6.Rag1−/− mice. Mice were analyzed 6 to 8 weeks after transfer (colitic) and compared with untransferred Rag1−/− mice (control).
(A) Representative staining of resting eosinophils (Gr1intSiglec-FintSSChi), activated eosinophils (Gr1intSiglec-FhiSSChi), neutrophils (Gr1hiSiglec-F−SSCint), and monocytes or macrophages (Gr1intSiglec−F−SSClo/int) from colonic lamina propria leukocytes (cLPL). Frequencies and MFI are indicated.
(B) Frequencies and absolute numbers of neutrophils and Siglec-Fhi eosinophils (termed “eosinophils” thereafter).
(C) Representative Gr1 and Siglec-F staining from cLPL (left). Ratio of activated/resting (SigFhi/SigFint) eosinophils in cLPL (middle). CD11b and Gr1 MFI of colonic eosinophils in colitis and frequencies of IL-33Rhi eosinophils (right).
(D) Representative CD63 staining, frequencies, and absolute numbers of CD63+Siglec-Fhi eosinophils (±SEM, n = 5 per group). Data points represent individual mice and bars represent means (B and C). Data are representative of two to three independent experiments. See also Figure S1.