# Load package |
package require psfgen |
# Load starting structures |
resetpsf |
readpsf membrane.psf |
coordpdb membrane.pdb |
readpsf leut_autopsf.psf |
coordpdb leut_autopsf.pdb |
# Output a combined structure |
writepsf leut_mem.psf |
writepdb leut_mem.pdb |
# Load combined structure |
mol load psf leut_mem.psf pdb leut_mem.pdb |
# Delete lipid and water molecules within 1.2 A of protein |
# Get segids to check |
set check_sel [atomselect top “resname POPE or water”] |
set check_sel_segs [lsort -unique [$check_ sel get segid]] |
foreach list_seg $check_sel_segs { |
# find atoms |
set current_atom [atomselect top “segid $list_seg and within 1.2 of protein”] |
# delete residues |
set current_res [lsort -unique [$current_ atom get resid]] |
foreach res $current_res { |
delatom $list_seg $res |
} |
} |
# Output modified structure |
writepsf leut_mem_no_overlap.psf |
writepdb leut_mem_no_overlap.pdb |
# Load modified structure for viewing |
mol load psf leut_mem_no_overlap.psf pdb leut_mem_no_overlap.pdb |