FIG 5.
Putative ASFs. (A) Schematic representation of the architecture of the putative ASFs. Cytoplasmic membranes (CM) are represented in gray, and predicted transmembrane helices as cylinders. The secondary structures of the predicted periplasmic regions are shown above. The blue squares represent helices, and the green pentagons represent strands. The numbers at the top are the numbers of proteins showing that secondary structure. RskA domains are colored red, and ZAS domains are colored purple. The total number of ECFs in each group is given in parentheses. For clarity, only groups containing more than 10 proteins are represented. (B) Multiple-sequence alignment of ASFs containing RskA domains. The sequences are identified by the ASF numbers (see Table S7 in the supplemental material), and the degree of sequence conservation is represented in a bar graph at the bottom. Amino acid residues are colored with RasMol colors, and gaps are represented by dashes.