Figure 5. Within-individual trajectories of neuroimaging and clinical markers.
Raw data for each marker was first converted to Z-scores by standardizing to cross-sectional data from the Stage-0 older controls. Each subplot (labeled with the participant’s unique Family ID) presents longitudinal values of Global-PiB, PC-FDG, hippocampal W-score, and MMSE score from a single individual over his/her entire study period. Each horizontal grid line denotes a span of 5 Z-score units. Colored asterisks denote the presence of progressive amyloidosis (increase of greater than two in Z-scores in Global-PiB over the longitudinal study period), and the presence of progressive neurodegeneration and cognitive decline (decrease of greater than two in Z-scores in PC-FDG, hippocampal W-score, or MMSE score, over the longitudinal study period). For the hippocampal W-score trajectories, open diamond markers were used to indicate measurements acquired on the 1·5T scanner. A regression correction function had been applied to these measurements to correct for scanner differences. The trajectory for delayed word recall was not included due to the limited dynamic range of this measure leading to an early floor effect.