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. 2014 Oct 1;52(8):4935–4944. doi: 10.1007/s13197-014-1570-9

Table 4.

ANOVA for response surface quadratic model for pH during lactic acid fermentation of radish

Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value p-value Prob > F
Model 0.86 14 0.061 6.56 0.0004
A 4.238 E-003 1 4.238 E-003 0.45 0.5112
B 0.032 1 0.032 3.37 0.0863
C 9.375 E-004 1 9.375 E-004 0.10 0.7560
D 0.026 1 0.026 2.74 0.1185
AB 2.756 E-003 1 2.756 E-003 0.29 0.5953
AC 7.563 E-004 1 7.563 E-004 0.081 0.7801
AD 7.656 E-003 1 7.656 E-003 0.82 0.3800
BC 1.806 E-003 1 1.806 E-003 0.19 0.6667
BD 1.806 E-003 1 1.806 E-003 0.19 0.6667
CD 1.056 E-003 1 1.056 E-003 0.11 0.7416
A2 0.14 1 0.14 14.76 0.0016*
B2 0.38 1 0.38 40.67 < 0.0001*
C2 0.28 1 0.28 30.19 <0.0001*
D2 0.25 1 0.25 26.44 0.0001*
Residual 0.14 15 9.359 E-003
Lack of fit 0.049 11 4.424 E-003 0.19 0.9865 NS
Pure error 0.092 4 0.023
Cor total 1.00 29
R-squared 0.8596
Adj R-squared 0.7286
Pred R-squared 0.6300
Adeq precision 7.926

(Df Degree of freedom, NS Not Significant, *- 5 % level of Significance)