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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jul 30.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Surg Oncol. 2014 Jun 17;21(12):3859–3864. doi: 10.1245/s10434-014-3838-8


Demographic, clinical, and pathologic characteristics of patients undergoing robotic versus open thyroidectomy for cancer (2010–2011)

Robotic (N = 225) Open (N = 57729) p value
Patient age (years; mean ± SD) 47 ± 15 51 ± 15 0.0002
Female 186 (82.7) 44,017 (76.5) 0.02
Race 0.01
    White 181 (80.4) 48,597 (84.2)
    Black 14 (6.2) 4,597 (8)
    Asian 18 (8.0) 2,488 (4.3)
    Hispanic 11 (4.9) 4,459 (7.7) NS
Annual incomea NS
    <$35,000 56 (24.9) 14,050 (24.3)
    ≥$35,000 156 (69.3) 39,765 (68.9)
Insurance type 0.01
    Private 174 (77.3) 39,220 (67.9)
    Medicare 27 (12.0) 11,354 (19.7)
    Medicaid 12 (5.3) 3,537 (6.1)
Educationb NS
    Less educated 75 (33.3) 18,706 (32.4)
    More educated 137 (60.9) 35,102 (60.8)
Urban/rural NS
    Metro 186 (82.7) 45,598 (79)
    Urban/rural 27 (12.0) 7,716 (13.4 %)
Year of diagnosis 0.08
    2010 98 (43.6) 28,593 (49.5)
    2011 127 (56.4) 29,136 (50.5)
Hospital type <0.0001
    Academic 135 (60.0) 24,609 (42.6)
    Comprehensivec 72 (32.0) 28,693 (49.7)
    Community 18 (8.0) 4,218 (7.3)
Robotic case volume (mean ± SD) 8 ± 10 4 ± 7 <0.0001
Hospital location 0.06
    South 87 (38.7) 19,629 (34.0)
    Northeast 64 (28.4) 15,162 (26.3)
    West 40 (17.8) 9,868 (17.1)
    Midwest 34 (15.1) 13,070 (22.6)
Distance traveled (mean miles ± SD)d 70 ± 237 34 ± 259 NS
Comorbiditye NS
    0 194 (86.2) 47,505 (82.3)
    ≥1 31 (13.8) 10,224 (17.7)
Histology NS
    Papillary 212 (94.2) 51,957 (90.0)
    Follicular 11 (4.9) 4,162 (7.2)
    Insular 0 83 (0.1)
    Anaplastic 0 183 (0.3)
Tumor size (cm) NS
    <1.0 88 (39.1) 21,404 (37.1)
    1.0–2.0 73 (32.4) 18,375 (31.8)
    2.1–4.0 43 (19.1) 11,687 (20.2)
    >4.0 18 (8.0) 4,991 (8.7)
Extrathyroidal extension 28 (12.4) 9,495 (16.5) NS
Multifocality 72 (32) 22,012 (38.1) NS
Nodal disease 33 (14.7) 11,735 (20.3) 0.04
Metastatic diseasef 0 622 (1.1) NS
Extent of surgery <0.0001
    Total thyroidectomy 151 (67.1) 48,454 (83.9)
    Lobectomy 70 (31.1) 8,458 (14.7)
Lymph node dissection 91 (40.4) 30,382 (52.6) <0.001

Data are expressed as n (%) unless otherwise specified

Percentages were rounded and may not add up to 100. Missing data were not included in the analyses

NS non-significant, SD standard deviation


Median household income for each patient's area of residence is estimated by matching the ZIP code of the patient. Household income is categorized as <$35,000 or ≥$35,000


This variable provides a measure of the number of adults in the patient's ZIP code who did not graduate from high school, and is categorized as less educated: ≥20 % of citizens within ZIP code area with no high-school diploma; educated: <20 % of citizens within ZIP code with no high-school diploma


Comprehensive community hospital


Distance traveled to treating hospital in miles


Comorbidity as defined by Charlson-Deyo score


Metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis