Figure 4.
Knockdown of BubR1 causes a decreased migration ability of OSCC cells. (A) The effects of siRNA against BubR1 on cell migration. After seeding for 24 h to allow the transfected cells to form a full monolayer, the cells were scratched to create a wound area; (B) The migrating cells within the scratched were analyzed using a software “TScratch” [20]. The quantitative results of migrated wound site. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). * p < 0.05 for Mock vs. siRNA-BubR1; (C,E) The effects of siRNA against BubR1 on both Ca9-22 and Cal-27 cell invasion. A total of 1 × 105 transfected cells were seeded onto a permeable membrane in a Boyden chamber to allow the cells to invade the opposite layer of the membrane. Arrows point represents a cluster of invaded cells; and (D,F) The quantitative results of invaded cells. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). * p < 0.05 for Mock vs. siRNA-BubR1.