Figure 3.
Podocyte-specific overexpression of VEGF-A165b reduces albuminuria in the dual insult of VEGF-A164a overexpression and STZ-induced diabetic nephropathy. (A) Heterozygous mice overexpressing human VEGF-A165b in podocytes (blue: nephhVEGF-A165b) were crossed with mice in which murine VEGF-A164a (mVEGF-A164a) overexpression in podocytes could be induced with doxycycline (dox): heterozygous podocin-rtTA:TetO-mVEGF-A164a mice (red: pod-TetO-mVEGF-A164a), to generate mice co-overexpressing mVEGF-A164a and hVEGF-A165b in podocytes. Offspring were treated with STZ at 12 weeks of age to induce diabetes in all groups. After 5 weeks of diabetes, all mice received doxycycline, inducing mVEGF-A164a overexpression in the two groups carrying the podocin-rtTA:TetO-mVEGF-A164a transgene. After 1 week of doxycycline treatment, urinary albumin-to-creatine ratio (uACR) was measured and compared with uACR obtained before doxycycline administration. (B) Change in uACR after 7 days of doxycycline treatment in diabetic mice with no transgenes, diabetic mice overexpressing hVEGF-A165b alone, diabetic mice overexpressing mVEGF-A164a alone, and diabetic mice co-overexpressing mVEGF-A164a and hVEGF-A165b. Dashed line represents no change in albuminuria during the 1-week doxycycline treatment period. n=3–6 mice per group. Error bars, SEM. *P<0.05, one-way ANOVA.