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. 2015 Jul 30;2015:bav074. doi: 10.1093/database/bav074

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Entity-Relationship Diagram for the experimental data tables in the NNTC-DCC database. The central table is the studies table which describes a given study characterized by a study_id (e.g. in the form of S0001.1), principal investigator, year, tissue request ID, measurement, technology, unit and tissue. A study may consist of multiple tissue requests, thus the study_id might be incremented (e.g. S0001.1 to S0001.2). The tables gene_expression, genotype, proteins, endo_exo_chemicals, morphometrics, and other are grouped around the studies table in a 1:N relationship signifying that a single study may study multiple genes, proteins, morphological characteristics, etc. The table gene_annotation contains HGNC ids, gene symbols, synonyms and annotations for genes and proteins, hence their connection to the tables gene_expression, genotype and proteins. The ER diagram was created by using Lucidchart at