The learnt mean atlases
The learnt cloud C
The baseline ground truth shape S0
2: Initialize Svirtual ←0. |
3: Initialize S̃i ←i for i ∈ {1, . . . , N} |
4: Initialize ε as the mean distance between S0 and 0 plus its standard deviation |
5: for every vertex x in the virtual shape Svirtual that is located outside the ε–neighborhood from S0
Update its position using the closeness metric (1 or 2) |
Retrieve (or update if using Metric 2) its dynamic feature (evolution trajectory) c(x, t)t∈[0,T]
6: end for
7: Estimate the geodesic current-based baseline shape evolution using {S0, {S̃i}} by minimizing:
Set of predicted surfaces { S̃i} at timepoints ti with i ∈ {0, . . . , N} |
Set of smooth temporal evolution trajectories for vertices in S0 for t ∈ [0, tN] |