Figure 3. Persistent hypothalamic Notch expression affects survival of pituitary progenitors at e10.5.
Control sagittal sections at e10.5 show LHX3 immunopositive cells within Rathke’s pouch (RP), allowing for proper pituitary induction (A). NICD Tg animals display reduced LHX3 expression, specifically on the caudal and dorsal aspect of RP (B). ISL1 immunopositive cells, restricted to the ventral aspect of RP in control animals (C), are instead expressed uniformly in NICD Tg animals (D). TUNEL-reactive cells, representing cells undergoing cell death, are not present in control pituitaries at e10.5 (E), but are present in the caudal side of RP in Tg animals (F). The percent of immunoreactive phospho-histone-H3 (PH3) cells over total DAPI-postitive cells is significantly reduced in NICD Tg pituitaries (H, 34.7±0.6%, p=0.03) compared to control pituitaries (G, 42.1±1.9%). Scale bar, 50μm.