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. 2015 Sep;41(9):1260–1275. doi: 10.1177/0146167215594122

Table 3.

Estimates Associated With the University Degree Dummy and Identification Variables From Hierarchical Regression Analyses of the CS Data (Study 1).

N ΔR2 B SE B β p 95% CIs Indirect effect
Estimate SE 95% CIs
Identification 11,737
 Step 2 .025
  University degree .286 .016 .171 <.001 [0.254, 0.318]
Trust institutions 11,686
Step 2 .007
  University degree .122 .014 .089 <.001 [0.096, 0.149]
Step 3 .003
  University degree .110 .014 .080 <.001 [0.083, 0.137] .013 .002 [0.008, 0.018]
  Identification .044 .008 .054 <.001 [0.029, 0.059]
Life satisfaction 11,734
Step 2 .001
  University degree .064 .018 .036 <.001 [0.030, 0.099]
 Step 3 .005
  University degree .042 .018 .023 .019 [0.007, 0.077] .022 .003 [0.017, 0.029]
  Identification .078 .010 .073 <.001 [0.059, 0.098]
Self-reported health 11,736
 Step 2 .005
  University degree .155 .018 .080 <.001 [0.012, 0.191]
Step 3 .003
  University degree .137 .018 .071 <.001 [0.101, 0.173] .018 .003 [0.012, 0.024]
  Identification .063 .010 .054 <.001 [0.043, 0.083]
Immigration change attitudes 10,875
 Step 2 .029
  University degree .415 .022 .186 <.001 [0.371, 0.458]
Step 3 .001
  University degree .402 .023 .180 <.001 [0.358, 0.447] .012 .004 [0.005, 0.020]
  Identification .043 .013 .032 .001 [0.018, 0.067]

Note. CS = Citizenship Survey; CI = confidence interval.