(A–E) Toe-printing analysis of reinitiation by 80S ribosomes with Met-tRNAiMet or Leu-tRNALeu (as indicated) on RHDV wt and “UUG”, “ACG” and “CUU” mutant mRNAs. (F, G) Toe-printing analysis of initiation factor requirements for reinitiation by 40S subunits with Met-tRNAiMet on “UUG” and “ACG” mRNAs. (H) Toe-printing analysis of the influence of subunit joining on reinitiation on “ACG” mRNA. (I, J) Toe-printing analysis of reinitiation mediated by 40S subunits with Ligatin and Met-tRNAiMet on “UUG” and “ACG” mRNAs. (K, L) Toe-printing analysis of reinitiation mediated by 40S subunits and Ligatin or eIFs (with Met-tRNAiMet or Leu-tRNALeu) on “CUU” mRNA. (A–L) Positions of pre/post-TCs on ORF1 (black brackets), 80S and 48S reinitiation complexes (red and blue arrows), and upstream aberrant complexes (dashed brackets) are shown on the right. Stop (black) and restart (red or blue) codons are marked on the left. Free [Mg2+] is indicated on each panel.