Figure 1.
Age at onset and death, and disease duration in Japanese FAD and FTDP-17 patients. (a) Age at onset for patients grouped on the basis of PSEN1, APP and MAPT mutations. The horizontal line in the box indicates the median, the lower and upper boundaries of the box represent the lower and upper quartile boundaries, respectively, and whiskers are 1.5 times the interquartile range. Patients with PSEN1 and MAPT mutation showed significantly younger age at onset than patients with APP mutations (**P<0.01, ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's test). (b) Age at death of three groups with gene mutations. There was no significant difference in age at death among the groups. (c) Disease duration was defined as the period from age at onset to death. The disease courses of patients with MAPT mutations (7±4 years, mean±s.d.) were significantly shorter than those with PSEN1 mutations (11±5) (*P<0.05, ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's test). ANOVA, analysis of variance; FAD, familial Alzheimer's disease; FTDP-17, frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17.