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. 2014 Aug 19;7(1):5–12. doi: 10.1016/j.slsci.2014.07.001

Table 2.

The 20 most commonly endorsed items on the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) by (A) all patients, (B) those with cataplexy, and (C) those with HLA DQB1⁎0602 positivity.

(A) Among all patients (n=226)
Itema Weight Dysfunctional behavior Percent
sr7 60 I sleep or nap more during the day 46
rp2 36 I am going out for entertainment less often 43
hm2 44 I am doing less of the regular daily work around the house than I would usually do 39
si9 51 My sexual activity is decreased 39
rp1 39 I do my hobbies and recreation for shorter periods of time 39
si6 36 I am doing fewer social activities with groups of people 37
ab4 67 I do not finish things I start 37
ab7 78 I forget a lot, for example, things that happened recently, where I put things, appointments 37
sr6 61 I sleep less at night, for example, wake up too early, don’t fall asleep for a long time, awaken frequently 35
hm1 54 I do work around the house only for short periods of time or rest often 35
sr5 84 I sit around half-asleep 33
sr2 49 I sit during much of the day 29
si1 44 I am going out less to visit people 28
a1 48 I walk shorter distances or stop to rest often 28
ab10 80 I have difficulty doing activities involving concentration and thinking 28
rp7 43 I am cutting down on some of my usual physical recreation or activities 28
sr4 58 I lie down more often during the day in order to rest 27
rp6 33 I am doing fewer community activities 26
ab8 67 I do not keep my attention on any activity for long 23
bcm12 30 I change position frequently 22
(B) Among patients with cataplexy (n=152)
Itema Weight Dysfunctional behavior Percent
si6 36 I am doing fewer social activities with groups of people 44
rp2 36 I am going out for entertainment less often 44
sr6 61 I sleep less at night, for example, wake up too early, don׳t fall asleep for a long time, awaken frequently 43
sr7 60 I sleep or nap more during the day 43
ab7 78 I forget a lot, for example, things that happened recently, where I put things, appointments 43
hm2 44 I am doing less of the regular daily work around the house than I would usually do 42
si9 51 My sexual activity is decreased 41
rp1 39 I do my hobbies and recreation for shorter periods of time 41
hm1 54 I do work around the house only for short periods of time or rest often 39
ab4 67 I do not finish things I start 39
sr2 49 I sit during much of the day 36
sr5 84 I sit around half-asleep 36
rp7 43 I am cutting down on some of my usual physical recreation or activities 35
si1 44 I am going out less to visit people 34
ab10 80 I have difficulty doing activities involving concentration and thinking 34
a1 48 I walk shorter distances or stop to rest often 31
rp6 33 I am doing fewer community activities 31
ab8 67 I do not keep my attention on any activity for long 30
bcm12 30 I change position frequently 28
ab2 75 I have more minor accidents, for example, drop things, trip and fall, bump into things 27

(C) Among patients with HLA DQB1⁎0602 positivity (n=113)
Itema Weight Dysfunctional behavior Percent
sr7 60 I sleep or nap more during the day 44
rp2 36 I am going out for entertainment less often 40
si9 51 My sexual activity is decreased 39
hm2 44 I am doing less of the regular daily work around the house than I would usually do 38
rp1 39 I do my hobbies and recreation for shorter periods of time 37
si6 36 I am doing fewer social activities with groups of people 36
sr6 61 I sleep less at night, for example, wake up too early, don’t fall asleep for a long time, awaken frequently 35
hm1 54 I do work around the house only for short periods of time or rest often 35
ab4 67 I do not finish things I start 34
ab7 78 I forget a lot, for example, things that happened recently, where I put things, appointments 32
sr2 49 I sit during much of the day 31
sr5 84 I sit around half-asleep 29
sr4 58 I lie down more often during the day in order to rest 27
si1 44 I am going out less to visit people 27
a1 48 I walk shorter distances or stop to rest often 27
ab10 80 I have difficulty doing activities involving concentration and thinking 26
rp7 43 I am cutting down on some of my usual physical recreation or activities 26
rp6 33 I am doing fewer community activities 25
bcm12 30 I change position frequently 22
rp3 59 I am cutting down on some of my usual inactive recreation and pastimes, for example, watching TV, playing cards, reading 21

The SIP items describe dysfunctional behavior endorsed by patient with narcolepsy. Each item has a weight reflecting the relative severity of the dysfunction compared to other items. The percent of patients endorsing an item out of all the patients is given in the final column. The letters stand for categories (see Figs. 1 and 2 and Table 3), and the number represents an item in the category.