Table 4.
Diagnostic accuracy of two templates designed to diagnose headache attributed to TMD.
Diagnostic template and criteria | Sensitivity (95% CI) | Specificity (95% CI) | PPV (95% CI) | NPV (95% CI) |
ICHD-II criteria A–C for TMJ headache | ||||
A. Recurrent pain in head and/or face | 100 (100–100) | 25 (17–33) | 47 (40–55) | 100 (100–100) |
B. CT and MRI-disclosed TMJ disorder | 84 (76–92) | 18 (11–25) | 41 (33–49) | 62 (46–79) |
C. At least one of the following: | 100 (100–100) | 3 (0–6) | 41 (34–48) | 100 (100–100) |
• Pain with jaw movements | ||||
• Jaw opening limitation or motion irregularity | ||||
• Joint capsule noise | ||||
• Joint capsule tenderness | ||||
Overall diagnostic validity | 84 (76–92) | 33 (25–42) | 46 (38–54) | 76 (63–88) |
Revised criteria for headache attributed to TMD | ||||
Familiar headache to palpation of temporalis muscle | 97 (94–100) | 83 (76–90) | 79 (71–88) | 98 (95–100) |
Change in headache pain with jaw movements | 92 (86–98) | 52 (43–62) | 57 (48–65) | 91 (83–98) |
Overall diagnostic validity | 89 (82–96) | 87 (81–94) | 83 (74–91) | 92 (87–97) |
TMD: temporomandibular disorder; ICHD-II: International Classification of Headache Diseases, 2nd edition. PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; CI: confidence interval; TMJ: temporomandibular joint.