Figure 2. LC / MS of HL60 cell extracts.
HL60 cells were incubated with PBS or PBS containing tetralinoleoyl CL-ND. Panel A) LC/MS ion chromatograms of the internal standard, tetramyristoyl CL ("I.S."; top) and of tetralinoleoyl CL (" * "; bottom) from extracts of cells incubated with PBS. Panel B) The averaged ESI/MS spectrum of material eluted between 13.36–16.36 min from extracts of cells incubated with PBS. Panel C and D) Corresponding ion chromatograms and averaged mass spectrum, respectively, of lipid extracts from cells incubated with tetralinoleoyl CL-ND. Panel E) Histogram depicting the effect of CL-ND incubation on the tetralinoleoyl CL content of HL-60 cells, relative to I.S.