Fig. 1.
Cellular expression pattern of connexin 26 in the inner ear of a mouse and the effect of conditional knockout of it on the morphology of the organ of Corti (apical turn). A: Combined differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging and immunolabeling of connexin 26 obtained from a cochlear section. An enlarged view for the area indicated by a white box is given in (B). Scale bar represents ~ 100 μm. B: Immunlabeling of connexin 26 obtained from a section of the organ of Corti. The section is counterstained with DAPI to indicate the location of cell nuclei. Major landmarks of the organ of Corti are labeled. Scale bar represents ~ 100 μm. C: Normal morphology of the organ of Corti (apical turn) of a WT mouse at P14. Runnel of Corti is opened at this stage of development. Scale bar represents ~ 100 μm. D: Typi cal morphology of the apical turn organ of Corti of a conditional connexin 26 knockout mouse. Both inner (big arrowhead) and outer (small arrows) hair cells are intact. The tunnel of Corti remains closed. Scale bar represents ~ 100 μm.